July 15,2015
St. Bonaventure
So called Assembly of First Nations Chief, Perry Bellegarde prefers the night life of Montreal to showing concern for the people of Montreal Lake, Saskatchewan whose lives were threatened by the fires. Better to woo Mulcair and Junior T. Mulcair as is his style came up with his “ Progressive” view which is the Same Old, Same Old. He said “ An NDP government in Canada would negotiate nation to nation with First Nations People.”
Thus Mulcair and Bellegarde and Company de facto state that natives are not Canadians . You can’t negotiate with yourself. The Indian Act, which is short and very readable, and the Treaties clearly state that nothing will take away the native peoples right to be Canadians. FSIN( Federation of Sask. Indian Nations ) and their spin- offs have been violating the Treaties and The Indian Act for years. In return, for 40 years ,they have been paid by the tax payer enormous salaries, expenses, and assets. People like Bellegarde are paid not to give Indians a voice but to silence individual natives whose views are diverse as any group of Canadians. Case in point, when we were trying to organise northerners to go to the annual pro- life rally in Regina FSIN threatened natives that they cannot attend nor get band money to do so. As one La Ronge native stated bluntly, “ FSI are thugs.”
FSI and AFN want natives to vote but only as a multiplication of their vote. They prefer voting done by two people in a closed room in a band offic e who put X’s on ballots for everyone or more in the community without any input from those unreliable, pesky Canadian Indians.
Premier Wall arrived late at the Premiers’ Conference in Newfoundland because he is working to save the northern half of the province. Bellegarde is not chief of any reserve or band, but only chief of like minded anti- Canadians but he arrives early and is taken seriously with unchallenged media coverage.
It is the CANADIAN military who is fighting fires to save La Ronge and surrounding communities. It is the CANADIAN Red Cross who is organising the needs of the evacuees.
The Red Cross is doing so with CANADIAN volunteers, donations and tax payer money. Fellow CANADIANS opened their homes, businesses and schools to help fellow CANADIANS who are northerners. It was the CANADIAN Governor General, our Queen’s Representative, who came to visit us evacuees as did the Saskatchewan Lieutenant- Governor.
Bellegarde and company are no where in the loop but are getting media attention to talk about putting themselves on the Supreme Court, Bank of Canada and heads of businesses. Excuse me , business, banks and Courts cannot run properly with affirmative action or ethnic quotas . For the good of us all, people need to work at qualification, not whining, to get these positions. It is the FSI who refuses to help raise educational standards of natives on reserves and northern communities . It is the FSI who refuses to take a stand against drugs. Functionally illiterate, stoned, native youth aren’t going to get to any court as judge or to any corporate board .
There are many serious allegations that FSI is involved in the international drug trade. The evidence needs to be investigated thoroughly with plenty of protection to the informers. In Montreal the Assembly of First Natives cozied up to the NDP- Lib bloc because they are their political masters and hopefully future cash cow. The Conservatives , fortunately, were no where to be seen. Once again FSI and AFN told the world they are a Left Lobby Group and thus should get NO tax payer money. Gay