Sept.01, 2017
The Dominion of Canada is in great peril and has been for many years. How did she get that way and who destroyed this moral, Christian and prosperous country?
1963 : Lester B. Pearson becomes Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada in a Liberal Government. He was and has been identified as a top ranking Communist spy and agent. Pearson made Trudeau , elected in 1965 his Parlimentary secretary, then Minister of Justice. Trudeau had only three years of public office. He was a Globalist and Far Left Journalist who had ridden about Quebec City in a Nazii helmet during WWII. As Minister of Justice Trudeau destroyed the Gouzenko files including files on Pierre Trudeau as a security threat against Canada and the Free World.
Gouzenko was code clerk in the Ottawa Soviet Embassy who defected. His documents sparked the U.S. Congressional Hearings on Un American Activities.
April 06, 1968 Pierre Trudeau was elected leader of the once free enterprise Liberal Party.
April 20, 1968 Trudeau becomes Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada.
May 14, 1969 Trudeau tables Bill #1 The Omnibus Act which legalised, contraception, sterilisation and abortion, legalised homosexuality, and legalised divorce.
Pierre Trudeau also pushed gun control, interference in churches and charities through heavy regulations to stop political involvement of Christians. He abolished capital punishment. Rather than governing through Parliament Trudeau used Order- in - Council. What the Prime Minister’s office decreed became law, side - stepping public exposure and public debate.
The once proud, respected and efficient Canadian military was reduced to a crippled force
with out- of- date equipment. The army, air force and navy were pushed into one inept and inferior mess. The uniforms were bottle green and resembled service station attendant wear.
Many businesses were bought by the government and became public property.
1982 After show hearings the British North America Act 1867 safely in the hands of the Queen is repatriated so Trudeau and socialist fellow travellers can hand over Parliamentary Rule to nine Supreme Court Judges.
Through various Liberal leaders drug laws are not enforced. Prime Minister Chretien promises in the throne speech to liberalise marijuana without stating his real intentions
Oct.19, 2015 Justin Trudeau, son of Pierre Trudeau with Pin Up features for every gender and preference becomes Prime Minister. He does whatever Globalist George Soros and the Nine Out - of- Control Supreme Court Judges tell him to do. He openly uses and promotes marijuana. He pushes the reduction of the population by murder: through suicide, doctors’ coercion , abortion and sterilisation in Canada and abroad. Justin Trudeau works at bankrupting Canada and handing over the remains to the Globalists. He is the great racist killing other peoples’ babies throughout the world especially where abortion is illegal .
And who will save Canada? I call for the intervention of The Holy Canadian Martyrs, Ste. Kateri, the many other declared Blesseds and Saints of Canada and all the people who love Canada and refuse to let her be destroyed. Gay