Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Protect Real not Substandard Education!

 March 2019-03-26
        Despite the Constitutional Protection of Catholic Schools Northern Lights School Board enjoys a monopoly in the northern half of the province. Here is an example of how they protect their corrupt system.
    We had the return of a student after two years.  The student was in the second reader of The  four Little Angel series in Grade One. Mr. Gideon Cook tapped our classroom and said  that I had abused the child because the reader had the word God in it. Two years later the student came back. In that time  she had not been taught anything. She was deliberately ignored  because she was out of line and we claimed that she had exceptional musical ability. In three months we restore her ability to sing. She was being taught the recorder (flute) .
    Her mother and her boy friend have a long standing habit of violence, marijuana and alcoholism. Her mother encourages her boyfriend to beat her up , then calls the police. They have made attempts to stop but when they are drinking the nine year old the girl is molested and is not protected from drunks on the way to school.  Last month and this month her mother asked us to take her to Stanley Mission, a hundred miles away on rough roads. She always insists on asking to be taken on a school day. Of course we always refuse.
    On Family allowance day she did the same thing.  Then Gideon Cook who rarely gives anyone a ride anywhere took her. The girl came to school forty five minutes late.  Her mother had already blocked us from her message system although we regularly communicated in the morning. Then the girl refused to do a page of multiplications.  She did flash cards perfectly, then refused to write any answers in  the  work book. This went on for an hour. She refused  to stop this behaviour although she was quite willing to write down the answers on  a piece  of scrap paper. Eventually she let me pray for her and she read two reader stories perfectly.
    The girl supposedly has gone back to the Northern Lights School where she was treated with contempt or at best ignored.
    Gideon and Shirley Cook for over twenty three years are the main if not the only people who get a hearing from the RCMP ( police) who are stationed 45 km away. They have been involved in many possible criminal activities and are the ones who report to the police. Their major role has been to protect the local “ public school “. Anyone who chooses to use alternate education often gets into some sort of frame up or worse,.is persecuted if not prosecuted. I intend to write other examples of how the educated monopoly is protected, We are the only Catholic School north of Prince Albert and have survived for 23 years . I intend to write other examples of how sub standard or non- existent education is protected.