Monday, April 22, 2019

You have two choices death or death.

April 22, 2019
Easter Monday

    In the Hitler era of WWII the Naziis would drive around in a van with Children’s Charitable Transportation Society written on it. They would pick up alleged handicapt children , take them to a centre and euthanise them, that is kill them. The parents and other family members had no choice.  Their children were gone, their parental rights and responsibilities were usurped by this totalitarian regime.  Consistently whether it is communist, atheist or fascist in all repressive regimes parental rights are crushed. On November 11 we lay a wreath to remember the terrible atrocities that happened , especially but not exclusively to the Jews. We thank those who fought and possibly died to free the world of this evil.

    Now the evil is with us, in Canada.
    To quote THE  EPC  Newsletter April 2019 “ Hannah  Cement is a 62 year old Orthodox Jewish woman with Down Syndrome and dementia. Her substitute decision makers - her family- refused to consent to a “treament plan “ that would withdraw all treatment and care including food and fluids and provide only comfort care “ Comfort care is an euphemism for death by injection.

    There is no difference here than what the Nazis did in WWII except it is being done by a Judicial Board in Ontario. The judge is judge Lora Patton.  The ruling states “ All investigations and interventions will cease.”   That’s it. The state has ruled Death for Hannah Cement.  Her family has no say. Period.
    The article does not tell us if her death has already happened . Please make an urgent appeal to Premier Doug Ford , I Queen’s Park . Legislative Building ,Toronto , M7A  1A1  Write protests or  make phone calls to any legislative member wherever you live. E- mail is  
    Ontario , under Premier Wynne had mandatory perverse education against the wishes of parents. Premier Ford said he would immediately stop that upon his election. We must restore parental rights in the area of health care as we work to stop euthanasia completely in Canada.

     No such board should even exist. It over rides religious convictions, family authority  and the Constitution of Canada on several major points.

    Remember ALL LIFE IS TERMINAL . There is no other destination except you get to choose eternal occupation in Heaven or Hell.  Killing people or yourself early is one way to choose the possibility of hell.    Hannah Cement and Ontario need our help now.   Gay