July 21,2019
The most important thing that Scott Hawn ever said: I’ll get there, trust me. But first who is Scott Hawn ? Scott Hahn was a Presbyterian who read a lot of books , took a lot of classes, did a lot of thinking and decided to become a Catholic. As a Catholic he does a lot of good because he convinces other people to become Catholic. Fortunately he did a lot of thinking before he became Catholic and saw or sees no reason to assume everything he saw, learned and experienced was wrong.
He said : CATHOLICS DRINK TOO MUCH. Not only do they drink too much they don’t bother it seems to notice that harm it does. As a former Presbyterian/ evangelical I was taught that you shouldn’t do things that destroy your testimony because you were responsible to help lead people to Christ. You didn’t get drunk, wear skimpy clothes or swear. Your job was to be a missionary wherever you are. You sang songs like “ anywhere, anywhere I can safely go, as the Lord leads me here below.... et c.
Sixty percent of evangelicals think spreading the Gospel is important. Three percent of Catholics think so. The rest I am convinced do not even understand expressions like” A new springtime of evangelisation.”
I was chatting outside of St. John of the Cross” in Chicago. I was complaining about the weather in Canada. Watch Canadians. When they’re complaining about the weather, they’re usually really bragging. So this lady replies so now you’re moving here? I was struck a this as an incomprehensible statement.
Christians don’t move because of increased comfort. You move because you have a mission to do so , family or otherwise.
For many evangelicals the only position for a good Christian woman is never to drink.
Yet I seem to get in these webs of trying to work with women who think nothing of claiming to be Catholic activists while you end up dealing with erratic even cruel behaviour. The latest is this women makes fun of John and I because John supervises or instructs projects such as building a green house instead of building it ourselves. Uh? , uh?. We are a mission and a school not XYZ Green House Builders. But this is the latest excuse to jettison our mission expansion as promised.
Brother Andre did not do the actual hammering of St. Joseph Oratory in Montreal. Mother Angelica did not install the antennas of the TV Network. Yet we are ridiculed because we’re not always adept at a few tasks. . Why look too closely on the issues and the players? Promises, missions are all optional. The 2.2.million dollar organ is still a great draw in one or the wealthiest parishes in Chicago.
Sober up. Fly right. The purpose of the Church is to spread the Gospel. Gay