Tuesday, October 8, 2019



    THE GLOBE AND MAIL is one of Canada’s oldest newspapers . It was founded by George Brown, one of the leading Fathers of Confederation. It has always been Liberal in opinion. In recent years there has been a decided shift to the Left. However when Trudeau was handing out millions to buy friends who would protect him, THE GLOBE AND MAIL refused the money.  Now this rebellion from The Establishment continues. The editor has an  article concerning Trudeau’s activities at West Point Grey Academy . Trudeau got an injunction to stop the story from appearing on Oct.07 as publicly planned. Now whatever The G&M is or isn’t it knows the libel laws of Canada.. If they have a story it is well within the safety of the law. But Trudeau can get an injunction to stop the story from being printed. Since when is the court’s business to protect politicians from bad press?  The court’s job is to defend the truth. The courts also have the obligation to protect the most vulnerable such as children , especially in a situation away from their parents . Especially where attendance is mandatory such as compulsory school attendance.

    While doing research for this series of blogs I have been forced to expand my vocabulary to such words as groper and to see pictures that are at best suggestive to down right pornographic.                               
    We see children in a classroom with a man wearing a kilt exposing his legs to a swimming trunks level. Kilts are traditionally just above the calf meeting the socks.   The public deserves to know what Trudeau was doing in these pictures?  And to whom? There is enough evidence to launch an inquiry with police involved.  There is also enough evidence that Trudeau with the help of the courts obstructing justice. Again.

    The BUFFALO CHRONICLE of New York, U.S.A. printed an article on Oct. 7, 2019 that raises a number of questions.. It’s a good read. Obviously THE G&M has more facts or Trudeau wouldn’t have bothered getting an injunction.  If THE G& M has lost their freedom of the press , then we have lost our freedom of the press and our freedom of the right to know what our elected politicians are doing.

     The Trudeau era, son and father has been  marked by bullying. They have bullied us to accept orders - in-council, legislation without debate , suppression of the true nature of foreign affairs policies and above all we are not allowed to hear anything of the true nature of their immoral lifestyle including possible Child Abuse . Canadians are finished with being bullied by the Liberal Courts . Gay