Monday, January 10, 2011

You're On, Vawn

January 10,2011
    La Ronge Housing Authority hasn’t learned anything apparently. They think that they can still use housing to push their agenda. Their agenda and that of the northern mafia, a self proclaimed elite left over from DNS when the socialists let the North be a socialogical experiment for radicals. Some of these people have an international flavour and have the style and personna of groups like the Weathermen and Sol Alinsky Chicago types.
    Vawn Skogstad of La Ronge Housing is punishing Kevin Lindskog and his family because he refuses to stop using the Catholic School.
    Mr. Skogstad has arbitrarily raised the Lindskog rent. Then sent a notice that if they don’t pay the “ arrears” of $1500 they will be evicted. Mr. Lindskog has a job at the water treatment plant. His common law wife is expecting a baby in a month. Ergo LLRHA puts pressure on them at a most vulnerable time to get out of Brabant Lake.
    His grandparents lived here and his mother was raised here. There was hope that the Lindskogs could live in the grandmother’s house. But it is claimed by LLRHA that it is inhabitable. It is also claimed that they really own the house and not the grandmother. They never give people title to their house .People think that they own the house. When they want to sell it or give it to children or grandchildren LLRHA pops up and says “ We really still own the house.” To make sure that the Lindskogs have no alternative the Housing Authority is going to tear down grandmother’s house. There has been no independent inspection to determine that the house is or is not a health hazard. No one ever heard that it was until LLRHA had a vested interest in squeezing out alternative housing.
     We are appealing this rent increase and I have offered to act as the Lindskog advocate. After La Ronge terrorised us for ten years I vowed if I ever hear of them doing this to someone else I will fight it all the way. Well apparently Mr. Skogstad would like a rematch. You’re on, Vawn. Gay