Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Canadian Bishops deliver

June 29,2011
The Solemnity of SS.Peter and Paul
    Catholic parents in the Hamilton, Toronto area and throughout the province of Ontario have been praying that the Ontario bishops take a stand against Premier McQuinty’s homosexual endorsement push in schools. They prayed one hour a day for the bishops from Good Friday to Pentecost. They have received answers to their prayers in abundance.
    The Canadian bishops have released a document on same- sex attraction and youth.  Here are some quotes from that document.
    Sexual relations belong within the marriage covenant between a man and woman, for it is only withing this covenant that the two inseparable ends of marriage can be achieved: the deepening of love between spouses and the procreation and education of children. Any genital act outside the covenant of marriage cannot fulfill this twofold purpose intended by the Creator and thus is morally wrong.
    Scripture and Tradition teach that sexual relations between persons of the same sex are not in accord with God’s original intention expressed in the plan of creation. For this reason, the Church has consistently taught that homosexual acts can never be approved.
    ...when people cease to base their moral judgments on objective truth, confusion results. All too often they fall victims to lies about the meaning of true freedom and authentic self- expression. True Christian freedom is not first of all an acceptance of one’s own desire to do what one wants, but an acceptance of te truth which sets us free. ( John 8:32)
    Parents have the principal moral responsibility of educating their sons and daughters in matters of human sexuality. As teachers, catechists and other educators, you play a role insofar as you carry out your responsibilities in the name of the parents and with their consent.
     Because chastity is not only a journey but also a battle, be on guard against temptations that will continually arise. Realistically access your weaknesses, and avoid circumstances that might lead you to gfall. When using the internet, be on guard against pornography, as well as certain chat rooms and social networking sites that promote immoral lifestyles. Chastity is a challenge, but God’s grace will give you the strength to overcome temptation.
    When you stumble on your way, the Lord is with you. Never give in to discouragement, but return freguently to the Lord for forgiveness. Growth is holiness is a long and arduous journey. Because we are all sinners, God continually calls us to conversion when we give in to weakness and sin. God always offers you his grace, especially in the hardest moments of your lives. Confess your sins with contrite hearts, resolve not to repeat them again. Try to find a stable confessor or spiritual director with whom you can discuss your difficulties honestly and so receive help in overcoming them.
    The Canadian bishops have forcefully upheld the eternal truths of the Catholic Church established by Jesus Christ. The Faithful in trying to protect their children and students are fighting a courageous battle. They now have been delivered a great deal of ammunition.   God bless the people who pray in Ontario. Gay