Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Trying to vote out demonic socialist control

August 10,2011
Feast of St. Lawrence
Eve of the Feast of Ste. Philomena
    Yesterday there was a Local  Adlvisory Committee Meeting. The major issue was the end of the position of the Recreation Director. Three of the four councillors spoke vigourously for the end of the position. The other said little but is a major beneficiary of the position. The administrator Val Antoniuk said that she would not allow a vote on the matter until all members were present. The only member absent was a man who knew about the meeting and chose to go to work. He is in a clear conflict- of - interest position because his daughter controls the position. He may have stayed away for that reason. If there is a meeting next month and he attends he still is in a conflict- of - interest position to vote on the matter and the vote at worse will be at 3 to 2, a majority for disbanding it.
    Our years in Brabant Lake can be divided by the one event, the arrival of NDP feminist organiser Sandi Lougheed. She came obstensibly to teach but everyone knew that her blatant job was to stop the Mission and us. After two years and lots of novenas to Ste. Philomena from us she left but she continues to be one of the main adversaries of the Mission and controls the Recreation Director Joyce McLeod. She groomed  McLeod to be a controller and to be controlled. Without Lougheed’s political machination a lot of injustices would have been gone long ago.
    Like many ideological socialists Lougheed takes positions that are pure Marxist loonyism but she doesn’t have to live with the consequences so she can impose them with heart warming abandon. The Rec. Director is supposed to be at her post at the hall from 5 to 8 o’clock. Children are supposed to come at that time. For weeks no one comes. Now this is prime family time. It would seem that the last thing a mother wants to do is be in a hall watching TV while supper need to be cooked and children need to be supervised. Apparently the children think that home is best.   But the Soc- Fems want the government to replace the family remember.
    So although no one wants to come and watch TV or do some sloppy activity McLeod works hard at stopping other activity. She bullies parents away from sending children to Ste. Mary’s Club, Vacation Bible School and works with others to stop Camp Commitment. She bullies parents and children from attending Our Lady’s School and with others like Rebecca McLeod who is on assignment from the Band ( Chief Tammy Cook Searson) to make sure that children do not get a proper education available at the Mission School.
    McLeod went so far that while a guest at our home complained about our seminary sons coming up and giving children Bike Races, Camp Fires, Canoe Races et c. She said that they should come in the winter. So there. Never mind Seminary schedules, Religious Obedience, Family preference McLeod said that two individuals should visit their parents at her wishes. There is nothing too high for her and her controllers to determine they can ignore: The Ten Commandments, Drug Laws , Human Rights, Individual choice. They have spoken.
    Here is Their list of what is allowed in Brabant Lake: Drugs, Drugs, Gambling, Drugs, Watching TV at the Hall, attending Drugs and Booze Camps, going to a school where you don’t sing, work or learn .
    This is what is Not Allowed according to Them: Singing, Prayers, Friendships, Individual choices, spontaneous play, sports, financial accountabity in public affairs, Christian Catechism and Camps.
    Lougheed is one of those white people who are practioners of Native Spirituality which is New Age Witchcraft. We continue to pray for the intercession of Ste. Philomena to deliver individuals and this community from this stubborn demonic idiocy. Real decision making authority at local council meetings would be a good idea too. Gay