Monday, January 1, 2018

And now for the truth.


Jan.01, 2018
Mother of God Feast

    In the Canadian Constitution, the British Northern Act of 1867  Confessional Schools, that is Catholic Schools are protected.  In 1905 Sir Wilfred Laurier, Prime Minister said that there would be no Province of Saskatchewan and no Province of Alberta unless Catholic Schools would be protected.  That has meant in Saskatchewan that there has has been full and equal funding of Catholic Schools.

    In 1971 the Socialists, called the New Democratic Party were elected. A left ginger group called the Waffle, threw their support behind Allen Blakeney as opposed to an alleged  moderate Roy Romanow. Blakeney of whom I once said ‘ The best disguise for  a socialist and a scoundrel is a gentleman and a scholar “ had an embarrassement on his hand. His Waffle supporters were long haired , as commonly described, pinko commies and looked and acted like it.
    Blakeney then devised a brilliant scheme to make them disappear in the public eye while he went about nationalising businesses one after another and buying up farm land to be owned by the government.  He created an imaginary line called District of Northern Services or DNS . The alternate life style, marijuana toking ultra lefties could then have the northern half of the province to create their very own socialist fantasy affectionatwly called  by them, “The People’s Republic of Northern Saskatchewan. “

    In the North education was Catholic Education, at least religious Christian Education. Because of the wilderness mileu there were no roads. The highways were the rivers and lakes. Settlements were established where there is water and an accesible fur trading post.  The missionaries brought rudimentary civilisation and founded the first schools. The Apostle to the North was Bishop Charlebois who travelled thousands of miles by foot , dog sled and canoe.  He brought Christianity to an illiterate and pagan people who were scattered in little settlements, often temporary and consisting of a few individuals or families. Bishop Charlebois died in 1933 leaving behind first generation Christians in Cree and Dene communities.

    To facilitate the work that the missionaries had begun through the Anglican, Methodist and Catholic churches the Federal Government funded residential schools. Natives signed treaties with the government. One major reason for signing treaties was because schools such as these were promised. Bishop Charlebois and the government insisted that students should come from converted parents and attend the Church school of the parent’s denomination.  Only about 10 percent of children could attend. It was a privilege that would benefit the family and the community in many ways.

    Pope Pius XII called northern Saskatchewan and area a jewel in the Crown of the Church. North.  He said never has there been a people who rose from paganism and advanced to civilisation in such a brief time. This was because of the nuns, particularly Grey Nuns and the Oblates of Mary Immaculate Priests who gave their lives to serve these new converts and to educate them. Once you were in a community or residential school you seldom if


 ever could leave. Likewise the students could not easily visit home and had to stay at least the full year without a break.

    The people were  very devoted to their priest.  At Black Lake the entire  community would line up for Confession at 3am.  This Christian culture was disgusting to the communists . They were determine to smash the allegiance of the people to their priests.  The key to destroying the native’s loyalty   to the Catholic Church was to wrest education from the Church to the socialist government.  According to Bishop Emeritus LaVoie at least one murder was committed in the Ile -a- la- Crosse area by the secular pushers. We could easily add to that number.

    Recently the Government of the day in Regina asked  Northern Lights Public School Board why they are so opposed to The Lady of the North School ?. They replied “ we formed Northern Lights School Board precisely to push out Catholic Schools. The obvious reply would be that Catholic Education is protected in the Dominion of Canada   Constitution so you have to leave the Caswells alone. However Regina has had a 40 year policy of letting the Northern Socialists to do whatever they want. The civil servant duly reported this to me to explain why the Catholic School is not wanted.  So??

    About thirty years ago Northern Lights School Board passed a resolution that only members of the NDP can teach in the North. The actual operating rule was and to some, still is, you can’t live in the North unless you’re NDP.
    In the mean time while the first  Trudeau was wrecking the country and Blakeney- Romanow were wrecking the province, a farmer and University Professor Grant Devine came on the political scene to take over a growing but still small political party called The Progressive Conservatives . He won every seat in the province except nine.

        Meanwhile John Caswell was fighting for survival in a pre-med programme at the University of Saskatchewan. He and his wife, produced a newspaper called THE DREADNAUGHT . It exposed in 1981 fetal experimentation this prestigious Medical School. It described how aborted babies had their brains removed, ground up by a mortal and pestle and then had various tests done on the remains.  No pro-life  media or group, no mainstream media picked up the story. No one refuted it. No one threatend to sue us . That was thirty years earler than the international stories of harvesting aborted babies.

    John applied to medical school three times. Each time he almost made it. Later while   I  was knocking on doors a medical student who had marked John’s lab work yelled at me that she stopped him because of his pro- life views.  In the process he gained a Bachelor of Science , two years in the College of Nursing in addition to a Professional A Teaching Certificate. A concerted effort to discredit John persists that he never went passed Grade  Ten.    Our children were told that at the Christian School where they attended. Most ,if not all believed or believe it. His degree  from the U of S has been on our wall since 1980.

    I asked for help from the leader of the Campus Pro- Life Group, Mrs. Jacqueline Owens. Her reply was “  Protestants are stupid.” When I became elected , it got worse. I had a bill that included among many other pro- life  matters, conscience clauses for medical and nursing students. By  very irregular means it was sent to the Court of Appeals , not defended

and dismissed, I was not allowed to speak on it clause by clause as I should have been in Second Reading. If it had reached Third Reading it would have passed by at least fifty- five  to nine. Gordon Dirks , Minister of Social Services and Gary Lane, Minister of Justice conceived the plan to avoid a recorded vote. Thirty years later I was forced to sit at a table at a PC Reunion where Mrs.Lane and Mrs. Dirks monopolised the conversation letting none of the rest of the table of 12 to say anything.  It would appear that they had personal conflicts on the issue.

    In 2008 we made a special effort to go to the Pro- Life March in Regina, Capital carrying  a Balloon Rosary Kit. We weren’t allowed to speak and years later I heard a staunch pro- life speaker say that there isn’t a problem with conscience issues in the health science but students are fearful for the future.

    In the election of the Devine Sweep I won the safest NDP seat taking it from the House Speaker , John Brocklebank. We had no personal income, no initial team . Nobody even bothered to track  the likelihood of my win. When the voting  closed the first result showed I had won in the centre of a union seat. The province erupted. Now people knew anything was possible. It  had Bibilical proportions. We were called Giant Killers. My comment, widely quoted was: “Our job was to knock off Brock so we knocked off Brock.”

    In the next election union thugs were transported from Manitoba and took up residence in poorly run apartment buildings.  Electoral fraud , violence, and vandalism was the norm. When our supporter, the real  Orest Devernichuk went to vote he was told that Orest Devnichuk had already voted. Later we discovered that Orest Devernichuk had voted in at last five polling stations.  Even in Saskatchewan Orest Deverinichuk is not a name found five times in two blocks.                           

    At least since April, 1982 our house, home phone, office phone , fax, and school phone has been tapped. We never have had any security in Saskatoon and have had none in the North.  Our mail has been destroyed, opened, and diverted . We like to think that the situation has improved.
    If I tried to straighten out the latest piece of disinformation at the dinner table the trackers would tell the children otherwise.  I would try to tell the eldest the other side outside the house  in a restaurant so he could straighten out the others. They then particularly worked at corrupting him.

    In 1984 So Gordon, Planned Parenthood Sexologist sued me based on a letter that I had written to Sakatoon city Hall objecting to his scheduled  appearance.  At the Court of Queen’s Bench in Saskatoon on May 13, 14 and 15 I defended my words that Sol Gordon has a philosophy akin to pornography.” My lawyer asked me if I would change anything?  I said, I would say ‘ he is a pornographer” Amongst other things including copies of  U.S.congressional hearings we used Sol Gordon’s film ABOUT SEX. Our team financed by suppers in Church Basements won. We won on the basis of Truth : A right thinking person would arrive at the same conclusion.he   

     It was publicly known that the NDP consider me Public Enemy #1.
    The socialists were back in power in Regina and we were very unemployable.  We

decided that we would return to the North where I had been before I was married. I thought, on the Reserve, which is federal responsibility I could get away from the NDP. In 1995 the North was on fire. John decided that he would go fight fires.  He did so while we lived in tents.  I cooked for evacuees from a little village south of Southend called Brabant Lake.  We thought we had teaching jobs lined up for the fall.  We discovered,nothing is ever nailed down and every decision made by one can be reversed by another.  John taight for a few weeks. But  the NDP- Liberals who work hand -in - glove had sent out the word to get us out of the North.  We made the effort to go to Air Cadets in La Ronge which is a two hour trip. Constable Clause pulled John aside and told him he was under arrest and was going to jail. The ostensible reason was our licence plate were late in being renewed. Since he had been in the bush fighting fires he had not the opportunity to go 350 km round trip to get a plate sticker.  John was taken away in the RCMP truck to jail.  I and five children were left on the road ,45 km. from our lodging at the time of a friend’s basement.
    Mr. Adam Hardlotte picked us up and took us home.  This act of bravery has made us firm friends throughout the years. The RCMP detachment was beside the house where we were. They refused to open the door to me .  The house had no phone so I was phoning out on the road at night but the RCMP refused to answer.  Not until I launched a complaint to Prince Albert would Staff Sergeant  Hebert talk to me. I learned that John would be in jail for two weeks. No one goes to jail over a plate sticker and no body goes to jail without a trial.  We were learning DNS thuggery and of the corruption of the Mounties. In the mean time   Richard Jobb , Director of Education and a great NDPer refused to give me John’s pay.
     In Southend we were told that if a student is on drugs we were not to tell the parents. When I got a job in Brabant Lake the teacher was hot plating at school in school hours. Her boyfriend was selling drugs from the teacherage. Our daughter was told that anyone who rats on drugs get shot. I was only fired.
    We opened Our Lady of the North School on March 25, 1996 at the kitchen table of the Northern Lights Teacherage . We had five Caswell students  plus one more.

     We are the only Catholic School north of Prince Albert  We exist totally by private donations.

       On  June 06, 1944 the Canadians met their objective at Juno Beach in Normandy.
 They had met their objective of making and maintaining a beach head.  We have managed to establish and maintain a Catholic School and mission for 22 years.. We’ve endured drugs, violence ,jail and attempts to jail us.  It is time now to expand and grow not just to endure. We must build on our victories.   More to follow at a future date.