Monday, January 8, 2018

Throw out Genesis one and the church is gone

Jan.08, 2018
Baptism of Jesus

    The first verse of the Bible is Genesis 1: 1. In the Beginning God created the Heavens and Earth . The first statement of the Apostles’ Creed is I believe in God , creator of Heaven and Earth .  The first statement of the Nicene Creed is I believe in One God, Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Eath and of all things visible and Invisible.  There is nothing ambiguous about the statements and no contradiction between the Bible and Catholic Teaching. St. Francis Xavier taught the Apostles’ Creed to illiterate people in many dialects and tongues of the Far East.  Farmers would sing the twelve points of the basic beliefs of Christianity while they plowed their fields. In this way the great missionary set the Eastern World Afire for Christ. If you wanted to be a Christian then you must believe that God created you and the world as a starting and necessary point.  No ifs, maybes or on the other hand.

    No body believed otherwise . It was never an issue until the nineteenth century. Darwin was on an agenda against God so he went on a trip to find evidence.  The evidence did not come first and the analysis later. One person who clearly saw the consequences of his theories was the Captain of THE BEAGLE , Darwin’s ship. Captain FitzRoy , great grandson of King Charles II spent many months in close quarters with Darwin, saw the same so called evidence that Darwin saw and drew very different conclusions. He opposed the work and conclusions of Darwin all his life.

    Evolution is not science. It is a theory with an ideological agenda.  It is not logical, not reasonable, and completely unprovable.  Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI while the Pontiff had put on a Conference THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF EVOLUTION in Rome. All the papers were available on the Internet.

    I asked Mr. Richard Fangard of CREATION MINISTRIES in Canada why he did not do an article about it for their magazine. He said that he had never heard of it. Apparently no Catholic publication has officially heard of it either.

    While marking the 500 years after Martin Luther’s thesis was nailed to a door on October 31, 1517 much nonsense with no historical basis was said. The worse was on a Catholic Radio programme where it was said that Catholics don’t have to believe Scripture about Creation because we don’t believe Scripture Only.
    All the early Church Fathers who wrote on the Subject believed in the inerrancy of The Creation Account including that a Day in Genesis was the specific word of a 24 hour period.  The Catholic Church compiled the Canon of the Bible . There was and is no contradiction between The Bible and The Church Tradition . Nobody in 1517 questioned the Creation Account of Genesis. Throughout the ages there has been difference of opinion in some details but what clearly contradicts historical Biblical and Church Tradition has never been accepted as a Belief Option.
    Billions of years of death, decay violence and arbitrary mistakes is not the Very Good that God saw on the seventh day.  Evolution throws out everything : Adam, Eve, original sin , a need for a Savior , a purpose and goal for Man. Throw out Genesis and the whole Bible is gone .  The Apostles understood that. That is why the first tenant of Faith is I BELIEVE IN GOD. CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH.  Gay