Friday, April 27, 2018

Pray for the Perscuted priests in the U.S. and in Belgium

April  27, 2018

    Three years ago an errant nun told  me “ Oh, all Latin Mass priests are homosexual , don’t you know that? It’s the same all over the world, wherever you go. They’re always homosexuals.” I thought little of what she said since at that time, she wasn’t making sense of a whole lot of things. Then when I discovered recently that there is a system in place in the U.S. called The Dallas Charter in which a person can discredit a priest and destroy his vocation by a mere phone call of accusing the priest of...unwelcome touches? being friendly to a minor?  advances of friendship? inappropriate behaviour?( Undefined) There doesn’t have to be any corroboration , any witnesses, any what is normally consideered evidence, let alone proof. The rationale is since sexual sins are so serious and supposedly so wide spread that it is justified to suspend the usual process of a person is innocent until proven guilty. An accusation is sufficient to kick out a priest.

    It is obvious when an accusation is sufficient to destroy someone that there are plenty of accusations and plenty of destroyed priests. Some people hate priests. Some people hate their mothers. The reason is the same. The priest and your mother is a symbol of what you are supposed to be or to do. If a person is not living according to how they know they are supposed to be, rather than change , they hate the person or persons that turn on their conscience.

    Some people who hate priests are priests or bishops.  There appears to be an  irrational hatred against priests who practise the Latin Rite.  I do not understand this.  I first encountered a  Latin Mass when I was 18 years old at Peepekesis Reserve . I was involved in an interdenominational summer mission. I was at that time a member of the United Church. Mrs. Elisabeth Pinay took me to the Mass .There was a little book that had the Latin on one line and the English on the other.  Everybody who could read or remember the words could easily follow along.
    Now we have bishops who grew up with only the Latin Mass asking parishioners at a Latin Mass“ How do you know what is being said?” The English is still there just like it was at the Mass at Peepekesis Reserve , Saskatchewan , Canada.

    Belgium is known as the Sick Man of Europe. It has euthanasia, assisted suicide,  pornography as industries.  Then in 2015 a new order called The Fraternity of Holy Apostles was established.  Their services began filling the almost  empty historic churches. The sick and elderly were visited, bringing hope and likely giving people strength to resist their medical killers. Then the order was dissolved by Rome.  Apparently one of the reasons was Latin can be heard again at the services.  Some bishops did not like the group that made their conscience uncomfortable and attracted young people.  It is not a good idea to let the disgruntled, jealous and cynical to win.

    Pray for Belgium, pray for the persecuted priests in America, pray that His Holiness, Pope Francis restore The Fraternity of Holy Apostles now.   Gay ( Mrs. Gay Caswell)