Thursday, April 19, 2018

Throwing our priests to the Enemy

April 19, 2018

    I’ve pointed out in two blog posts  that priests are not treated by the media and the courts by the usual standards of due process , that is innocent until proven guilty. Now upon further research I discover this is entrenched in a sixteen  year old document called The Dallas Charter ( Charter for the Protection of Young  People) written by bishops of the United States.

    Thomas Guarino on May 21, 2015 writes “ One of the most significent problems facing priests today is that the standard for removing an accused priest  from ministry is not clear and convincing evidence or even a preponderance of evidence but merely that an accusation is “ credible”, the least reliable standard of assessment.”....... Cardinal Avery Dulles has pointed out that accusation can be deemed ‘ credible “ simply because they are not entirely groundless.”

    A priest does not lose his civil or his God given rights simply be being a priest. There is a natural law throughout the ages and in every country that screams against such legal farces. The accused  has a right to defend himself by a fair trial . The alleged victim must be willing to show some evidence or corroboration.

    Of course there are credible arguments for every accusation. The Bible says that we have all sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. That is why we have the Sacrament of Confession and the Examination of Conscience of which the Faithful should avail themselves regularly. That includes priests. It is credible that anyone could possibly break any of the Ten Commandments . That includes sins of impurity in thought and action. That includes jealousy leading to lust, and stealing the body of another .

    It is a priori possibility that anyone is capable, if not probable actors ,of any sin.  To let a policy stand that any accusation is taken as proof is in itself serious and very evil abuse of priests. It is also a very dangerous precedent that can lead to thug tyranny for any and everyone.

    The bishops are to be shepherds not just for the lambs ( the frail laity) but for the sheep (the stronger laity and  priests) and for other shepherds ( priests under them.)) Such an outrageous policy is throwing accused priests to the hungry wolves of the left media, and of the Christ and Church haters.

    It also assumes that bishops themselves can do no harm, that they always act without jealousy, spite, cowardice and cruelty.  We must respect our bishops but we cannot assume that they always act perfectly. We and they also cannot assume that they will never  be victims of false accusations themselves.

    Priests including bishops need the protection that is offered by natural law and due process.  Gay