Friday, August 10, 2018

Hooray for the country north of the Medicine Line!

Aug.10, 2018

    Ms. Lisa Helps , Mayor of Victoria, B.C. intended to quietly pull down a statue of Prime Minister John A. Macdonald , Canada’s  first prime minister. She said the statue is “ a  painful reminder of colonial violence.”  She intended to do it without public knowledge or input.  It’s easier to vandalise a statue than to  learn history. Just take whatever the Liberal Gravy Train Professional Indians say and go with it.  It has been an effective way for fifty years to shut up the natives in Canada.  Firstly control the debate by shoddy education and never allow an Indian to have an independent voice .

    While John A. Macdonald was working at uniting four colonies into one country, the Dominion of Canada the Americans fresh from the killing fields of the Civil War were looking for new conquests.  The intent and practice was to purge the “ united country” from   any Indians who might be  in the way of westward expansion and white settlement.  The American natives had the same solution as the former black slaves had. Go North to Canada where they would be safe.  Safety was crossing the 49 th parallel . Once they were North of the 49th. they were free. Many of these natives were Catholic, trusted the Black Robes and  had heard of the Great White Mother who protected Indians.  Her name was Queen Victoria. These American Indians were part of a long stream of immigrants who wanted to go to Canada to escape genocide . They were the forerunners of the Ukrainians, Mennonites , Poles et c, et c,who came to Canada to escape persecution . Thus the American Indians were not First Nations People. They were fleeing their country to be safe due to the Altar and Crown of Canada and the British Empire.  Many Indians made it and settled in Canada to be fine subjects of the Queen (or King ) who later went willingly to war to defend this good country.

    Some natives never made it such as the Great Christian leader, Chief Joseph, who was slaughtered 40 miles south of the Border.   Others made it , such as Chief Sitting Bull who brought the Sioux into Canada . John A. Macdonald protected Sitting Bull until he was tricked by promises of amnesty by the Americans. The Sioux are with us today .

     Natives signed treaties to obtain the residential schools that were promised.  People
such as Bishop Charlebois lobbied  Macdonald on behalf of their Indians to build more schools as promised. Of course the schools were residential since there were no roads. Small isolated families and  communities could not have local schools.

    John A. Macdonald made it clear that the rights of parents would be defended. The children would be sent to the residential school of the parents’ religion. No non- Christian parents would have their children in a church school until they were convinced they wanted to become Christian.  Religion and parental rights were respected unlike the brutality and coercion of the former Wynn Ontario government.

    The 49 th Parallel was called by the fleeing American Indians the Medicine Line. When you were north of the 49 th there was Good Medicine. It was called Law and Order that provided protection and thus freedom. Thanks to Macdonald’s North West Mounted Police the American whisky traders could not destroy the Indians with such places as Fort Whoop Up.  Macdonald united our country by the Canadian Pacific Railroad from sea to sea. He gave us a country of religious freedom open to persecuted immigrants such as the former American Indians.  Gay