Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The First Victum of Homosexual Predators

Aug.15, 2018
Assumption of Mary
Happy Birthday Fr. Mesan

    In the Middle Ages ( Age of Faith)  it was considered that the worse sins and criminal acts  was to distort the Faith, to preach or to teach something contrary to the Gospel. Sounds harsh? Jesus had the same opinion. He said  fear not those who can kill the body, but rather fear him who can kill the body and soul.

     Without dismissing as nothing the suffering of the individual victims of predator sexual clergy there are other victims to this epidemic of homosexual practice. There has always been clergy and lay people courageous and learned enough to state that homosexuality is a sin. I was fortunate enough to know a great many people who believed the Bible, in every matter including homosexuality.  When I became a Catholic I knew that the Bible AND Tradition states that homosexuality is wrong. I also knew that a great many Catholics were at variance in word, thought and deed on this matter.

    Since the Catholic Church demands that the priest reads the Scripture prescribed for the day, in a three year period one hears all of the Bible including the Old and New Testament passages against homosexuality.   Sometimes one hears some very clumsy and inept attempts to explain away these passages .Mostly the message is one of a sneer “ of course we don’t believe that means what it says” After I heard one of these at St. Michael’s in Prince Albert the priest knew that I knew he was talking rot and was ashamed to shake my hand. There was more than one convert in the room who knew enough Bible to know we had heard a political cover up sermon not Biblical truth.

    In 1978 Premier Allen Blakeney along with his Minister of Justice   Roy Romanow tabled legislation to put sexual orientation in the Human Rights Code. John and I led the fight along with Hillsdale Alliance Church in Regina. I have the letter in which Allen Blakeney states that he has withdrawn the legislation and would be very surprised to see it again for a long time.  The homosexual community has never forgotten or forgiven us for this nor have we ever recanted.

      There is nothing in the public square that will ostracise you like taking a Christian position on homosexuality. This ostracism and persecution will not stop at the Church door. Catholics Principals in Ontario are petitioning  newly elected Premier Ford to reinstate the vile sexual abuse curriculum of the Liberals. People who agree with you will cautiously keep silent about this. These days it’s okey to criticise, attack, ridicule  Justin, aka Son of Fidel, Trudeau . I seldom write blogs about him anymore because everyone else is doing such a good job. He is doing more harm to himself than anyone else can do. So we forget that he has mandated the entire Lubglub agenda.  The Catholic Church in Canada in the main did not speak out against Pierre Trudeau’s legalising homosexuality in 1969 .  The Canadian Catholic Church let the evangelicals be persecuted on this. The Catholic  silence was interpreted as approval.
    Are we surprised that there are a great many practising homosexuals who bully younger priests and seminarians to take up the practice ?  This happens and happened because the First Victim of these predators was attacking, distorting, censoring Biblical and Church Truth .  Gay