I recall a cartoon carried in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix after the birth of Margaret Trudeau’s third child. Pierre is yelling up to God on the fact that all the Trudeau children were born on Dec.25 . He says “ I did it three times!” It was a little bit funny but carried a statement of Trudeau’s arrogance that he can upstage God. In hindsight I showed more than what was admitted at the time.
Pierre, like most Quebec Catholics at the time, knew his religion very well. Yet he was a public communist ( small c) and beloved of hidden Communist ( capital C) Lester B. Pearson . He authored the four- whammy attack on the family by his Omnibus Bill May 14, 1969 which legalised contraception, abortion, homosexuality and divorce.
He married a daughter of a Liberal heavy weight M.P. after no public romance who divorced him seven years later. Now there are clear revelations from Cuba that Justin was not the actual son of Trudeau but of Fidel Castro. Who believes this? Fidel’s son known as Fidelito who never could please his Dad even though he was building him a nuclear power plant paid by the Russians, millions of Cubans and many others who have tracked the Trudeaus.
Pierre loved deception. He visited the Queen and pirouetted behind her back but made sure the cameras caught it. He practised the stunt for months. He’d parade his Catholicism at election time and constantly attacked the Christian Faith. The Castro- Margaret stunt was like his parody of Jesus who was born of a Virgin , conceived of by the Holy Ghost and raised by his foster father , St. Joseph.
Pierre Trudeau’s biggest act was to turn the once free- enterprise ,pro- Christian Liberal Party of Louis St. Laurent into an extreme left con machine. He hated the oil industry, nationalised it and did everything to destroy independent oil businessmen of any economic size. How did the Trudeau fortune begin ? The answer is by his father who owned a series of independent gas stations in Quebecg. This fact did not need much research. I found it in the World Book , Pierre Trudeau article 1980.
Justin is above all an actor. He wants to be known as an actor. He acts blatantly homosexual, he acts the loving father of three children and husband of Sophie Gregoire who also likes to act and make vulgar so called humourous videos. He has his passions.
At a town hall meeting in Quebec a woman confronted him and asked when are Quebecers going to get the 159 million spent on illegal immigrants? He went into a rage and called her a racist , hate monger et c. et c. Keep in mind this was done in French. Visualise the classic angry Quebecoise, the sneering French voice of the Trudeaus. This is a scene of a man who hates his country, Canada, I mean, not Cuba, hates the democratic process and hates a woman who is not enamored by him. He is a man who is falling apart, cannot control his temper tantrums and perhaps really knows that the curtain will soon go down on a two- generation game of deception. Gay