Friday, September 28, 2018

Say not the struggle naught availeth...

Sept.28, 2018

    This morning I was read a blog called I Peter 5. It made me very angry although writing it may have been a cathartic experience for the author.  In lead me to rearranging the geraniums bruskly to the point that Ste. Kateri fell on the floor and required surgeryof Gorilla Glue... again.  She understood. In 1648 being a Christian was a rough road, rather a rough canoe trip on the Great Lakes. There were no roads. She had to escape and make a 200 mile trip . She died at 24 years . Recently she was declared Patroness of Canada sharing the job with St. Joseph. Canada has always needed tough saints who accept torture, mutilation , martyrdom with joy. They got them .

    We have run a mission in northern Saskatchewan for over 23 years . It has never been easier.  The weather has not got warmer. The price of fuel has not dropped.  Witch craft is rife.  Drugs remain unchecked . Our Prime Minister is as crazy as the Pot Head that he is.
But why it is a great and glorius time is evil is being exposed. We don’t have to pretend that homosexuality is a mere lifestyle choice , that homosexuals are marginalised victims. We can  see them as the thugs and bullies that they are. We can admit to ourselves that their human rights track record is zilch. 

    We can also see that there really are top ranking clergy who want to change heresy to orthodoxy , who expect the rest of us to accept that black is white, white is black and the colour of the Church is henceforth to be many shades of grey.

    We don’t have to act like this crisis just sprang on us. It didn’t start with Cardinal Cupich . It was well entrenched with Cardinal Bernadine .   The Canadian Church appears to be a great mess.  But we know the Saskatchewan people. We know that many say rosaries daily, that they never have accepted contraception, abortion or homosexuality and the Lub Glub agenda.  We see that other people in other provinces and territories have “ not bowed their knee to Baal.”  We also see people getting strength from “ our Separated Brethren , the orthodox protestants who hold Biblical Truths and are willing to suffer for them.

     This is a wonderful time to be a Christian. There are no pretenses and rationals left.  We are Christians marching not as to war , but bluntly marching TO WAR. And Canadians are always at their best in time of war. It does not make us warmongers but we still believe there is such a thing as a call to duty.  We have compassion that we believe we must “ rescue the perishing, care for the dying , snatch them in pity from sin and the grave.” It is a lot easier to do that when we don’t have to pretend there is no such thing as sin.

    When one feels full of angst and horror fearful that “ the world will end not with a bang but with a whimper” one can apply the therapy of writing a cheque to a mission that receives no government funds, but exists solely on private donations. ... and needs money to continue to exist and spread the Gospel of Truth and Light. I’ll even give you the address. Our Lady of the North School
Box 627
Brabant Lake , Sask. S0J IL 0.
306-758 -2041