Monday, October 8, 2018

Thanksgiving in the War Zone


    This is Thanksgiving or Jour de Grace. As is our tradition we made a meal  for the community. We made it especially good this year. We even upgraded the poster to calling it a banquet not just a meal. We had three women working on the decorations which were beautiful. Our present resident worker and John made sure the yard, plumbing and tile repairs were complete.  All week there was drinking which went on throughout the night with a crescendo of swearing peaking at about 6: 30 AM. Our worker is a good Christian who is  commited to staying sober. He was continually harassed throughout the week by drunks who would not leave him alone. Their big argument was that he is staying with whitemen,( not quite accurate) as opposed to being a good Indian who stays drunk.

    We all knew that there was a deliberate attempt to sabotage the event. The attacks on the school opening is especially virulent.  Ospwakun Sepe School is complaining that we give students too much work and produce too fast results. The main teacher has a grade three education.  She and Mayor Gideon Cook phone the Municipal Office, get money for a Thanksgiving event allegedly at the hall, buy booze and pass it out , making sure our workers have plenty of access to it while they keep up the harassment.  Lots of people leave town to keep away from the drinking and expected violence. We had a lovely time. Attendees were sparse but sober.

    This is the same Gideon Cook who informed Sask Power to change all the electric meters in the village except ours. I noticed sparks from our meter in the morning  John was taking the truck for repairs to La Ronge. He had to stay over night. Meanwhile the furnace stopped, the phone went dead ,most of the lights went out.   The temperature was - 45 degrees  without wind chill. Just typical for January last year. Abben Heating made a rush trip . The Aussie Joshua told us to go after Sask Power . We did so. They reimbursed half the cost and thus admitted guilt.
Nothing, as usual , was done about Gideon Cook.

    Gideon Cook’s household  has a two income plus as does the household of Mrs. Joyce McLeod the sole counsellor. They do not need tax  money to celebrate Thanksgiving. ... nor does anyone else since it completely destroys the meaning of the event. But when they are on a rampage to destroy peoples’ Christian efforts they like others to pay for the Chemical ( Alcohol and Marijuana ) Warfare.
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  Gay
