Monday, September 17, 2018

Smudging and Other Pagan Practices at Saskatoon Catholic Schools


    Our daughter who marriedd to a native from this community informed us that she had to reject sending her children from several Catholic schools in Saskatoon because they do Smudging . Smudging is a revived or newly  reinvented pagan practice. Christian Indians in the main reject this . The ever gullible Saskatoon “sensitive “ Catholic elite promote this . Southend , Reindeer Lake reject it completely as do many Northern communities. Of course Our Lady of the North School will have nothing to do with neo-pagan practices . We have publicly spoken against the witchcraft permeating in the monopoly Northern Lights Schools. The Bible says that the gods of the pagans are devils.

    We are at presently reading the life of Father deSmet who brought the Gospel to the Rocky Mountains in America. The native tribes desperately wanted the Black Robes . They travelled to St.Louis, Missouri at least eight times to beg for priests. When they heard the Gospel they immediately embraced Christianity including Christian chastity and marriage of one spouse for life. Fr. de Smet often mentions Canadians who lived among the tribes and had already taught them much of Christianity.    Christianity flourished in Canada two hundred years before reaching the West Coast Indians.  Marriage between Catholic whites and Catholic Indians was very common and very beneficial to evangelizing. These people were not called First Nations or Metis . They were called Canadians.

    Laura Keras , an elder from Surrey, B.C. who recently passed away decried this invented “ Native Religion. “. She would say that they are always coming up with something new and calling it “ Traditional Religion.” She experienced the change to the life giving  Christianity from  the darkness of paganism. Her grandfather lived in a long house with nine wives. Witchcraft was constantly being practised and immorality of all kinds was the norm.

    The Game of  Perry Bellegarde and other Professional Indians is actually the Religion and Politics of Saul Alinsky.  Alinsky was a Communist Political Organiser who targetted Blacks in Chicago to teach them not to improve their lives but to hate. His philosophy was embraced by Commuunist Lester B.Pearson, who formed the Company of Young Canadians which spread the Hate and Division Religion throughout native communities , especially in Saskatchewan. A religion was needed so they could accuse the whiteman of stealing it from them. Ergo the late Ernie Tootoosis and others created  “ Native Spirituality.” This is a hodge podge of Christianity, paganism, New Age and pure bull. Or should we call it Baal?

    And this is what is being foisted on unsuspecting children, parents and teachers in some Catholic Schools in Saskatoon.  Think Again. Catholic Schools have a mandate to teach and practise Catholicism, unadulterated and accurate.  Gay.