Monday, September 10, 2018

The Good News is Homosexuality is a Sin

Sept.10, 2018

     The real issue is : Is homosexuality right or wrong. If wrong then why are people who believe this persecuted, ostracised, shunned , often denied academic advancement, degrees, positions, and appropriate honours for their accomplishments? If homosexuality is right or even neutral then why get in a flap about McCarrick et al?  There is really no criticism that is serious except possibly misuse of time. 
    The message that needs to be told by laity, teachers, parents, religious and clergy is homosexuality and other perversions of the true purpose of sexuality is wrong, is evil and unless repented will lead to hell fire.  Hell actually exists. Jesus believed it, taught it and went there for three days.
    Here are some reasons why homosexuality is wrong:

    1. The Bible says so.
    2. The Church says so.
    3. Natural Law says so.
            4. Homosexual ( and Lesbian ) Acts are exploitative and are intrinsically bullying.
     5.  Homosexual acts are an expression of cruelty and hatred.
           6. Since it is  a perversion of sexuality the practitioners are never satisfied. It creates an appetite that cannot be  met.
    7. It is the philosophy and expression of the culture of death.
    8.  It does not create life but expresses and creates death, decay and limitations of growth.
    9. It encourages a death mentality in other areas such as drugs, including and especially marijuana.
    10. It creates a sense of lawlessness and rebellion for their own sake.

     To teach that the act of homosexuality is wrong is very much part of the Gospel. The Gospel means Good News. If homosexuality is a sin then the person can repent, seek God’s forgiveness and eventually get rid of the habit and the desire. Like other sins the temptation may be there for a long time. Deliverance may be sudden and complete for some. 

    If people are told that they can’t get rid of homosexuality they are bound for life. If it is a condition like having pink skin then there is nothing to do but accept it or try to enjoy it. But God clearly says in the Old and New Testament that homosexuality is a sin.  There is a cure for sin.  It is accepting the price that Jesus paid at the Cross. Ergo the Good News is homosexuality is a sin. Christ is the cure for sin.  Homosexuality can be cured by Christ. Pass on the word. Even say it from the pulpit and in the classroom. Gay
