Sunday, June 16, 2019

We need Equality Before the Law.

June 16,2019

    We have been told that the Trudeau government intends to give a dying shot to decadence and suppression by passing a bill censoring all mention of homosexuality unless slobberingly  endorsing their lifestyle.  Thus the concept of equality before the law will be destroyed.

    In the DNS reign of northern Saskatchewan XB to whom who I’m not suppose to mention by name became an obvious antagonist. I didn’t know why . I thought for sure that he must be pretending to be a lawyer. I encountered him because he was determined that nobody could live in northern Saskatchewan who was obviously pro- life, pro- conservative, pro- Christian. As part of his arsenal of persecution he made it understood that marijuana was considered legal ( 21 years before its legalisation becme law) if not mandatory.   No school, no health care practioner could say anything against marijuana or even other drugs.

    He launched a legal battle against us when we distributed 5000 pro- life newspapers. Of course he didn’t say what were the reasons. He jus said that I was to go to gaol ( his spelling ) . He was behind the fight to evict us from our home which was a public house.
I was told that I had to have a court by telephone when I said that a gangrene foot was making me ill. I picked up the phone and was told that I was going to jail and I couldn’t say anything. Why was not mentioned . I got off the phone while he was still talking and we headed for Calgary which was Prime Minister Harper’s riding.  First we sent a news release to tell what was happening.  It was budget speech in Ottawa so the Prime Minister was obviously not there but I talked to his staff as I did to Jason Kenney’s staff.

    We went home trailing blood and bile across Alberta and Saskatchewan.
I launched an appeal. With the help of the appeals Court staff I prepared a factum. It discussed at length the human rights violations. The court was in secret. No sign was given as to what was happening behind closed doors.  Without any mention of the contents in the brief the three judges ruled me Guilty . I immediately stated that I am appealing this to the Supreme Court.  No steps were given to me as to how.

    Meanwhile XB kept having court with himself and got a decision that I owed him $50,000. Since this came from no legal court that I had any input I naturally ignored it. Meanwhile a few months later the Conservative government of Stephen Harper eliminated the Hate Laws

    MACLEAN’S magazine had a headline. Canada returns to the True North Strong and  Free. No pro- life paper mentioned it as a victory/ Jim Hughs , liberal toady of Campaign Life Coalition called it a human rights roll back.

    Some years later I was talking to our son Daniel. I said to this day I have no idea on what basis XB thought he could put me in jail.  He said because of the hate laws. I was attacking a homosexual.

    I never knew that XB was a homosexual: a censoror , a drug user and drug pusher, a corrupter of children, a communist bully , yes. If he was a homosexual it was irrelevant and never mentioned by either side. We don’t go to the same parties, nor have common friends.   He however had many tools to bully and many contacts in Liberal and NDP circles.  He probably was up for a judgeship despite losing his license to practise law many times. It is not right to give XB and others rights and legal protection that others do not have. A truly just and inclusive society depends on Equality Before the Law.   Gay