Thursday, June 20, 2019

Let Mr. Diefenbaker Speak!

June 20, 2019

    In 1968, American B52's were doing simulated bombing raids over Saskatchewan skies. It was part of their war effort against the Communistic North Vietnam.  A student at the University of Saskatchewan was passing out leaflets in Marquis Hall,.protesting this activity. He gave one to Right Honourable John Diefenbaker, former Prime Minister .

    Mr. Diefenbaker, took it, looked at it and said “ I disagree with you but I’ll defend your right to do what you’re doing!.

    Thus was the view of the man who gave us the Diefenbaker Bill of Rights. Perhaps we should pause and review it. Diefenbaker was not giving us rights . He was listing the rights given to us by Almighty God. He made that abundantly clear.

    Because we are human and made in the Image and Likeness of God we have inalienable rights. No government, law, commission , bully can take them away from us. Everybody at least gave lip service to this. Even the Communist Party of Canada was forever ‘defending civil liberties ‘ if it suits their purposes. The Maoists ( Marxists - Leninists ) had another slogan : NO FREE SPEECH FOR FASCISTS !  And they would define who they were.
    In the continual arguments of the Left the Maoist have carried the field. That is the dictum behind the former Hate Laws which the Harper Government removed.

are all wiped out by hate laws.  The rationale is we don’t want “ to appear to be too right wing.” One instead wants to be in reality a Maoist?

    The issue is not to be Right or Left Wing. The issue is to be Right or Wrong. Hate laws are totalitarian, a licence to bully . Hate laws are WRONG.    Gay