Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Coercsive Death by Inches Programme

July 03,2019

    In Memory of Mrs. Nancy Okemau Thomas, Mr. David Laliberte, Mrs. Elisabeth McKenzie and the many others who have died by the death- by- inches programme.

    In 2011 I did not realise that I had a gangrene infected foot having never known of any symptons. However my husband John rushed me to La Ronge Hospital since it was getting obvious something was seriously wrong. It was Dec.22, 11 am.   Four hours later they were still arguing that I was not to be admitted. I did not tknow at the time who were “ they.” I asked for a phone to phone our sons in Chicago. I was told that to wait “until they decided what to do with me. “. I said that you better give me that phone now because I am not used to others deciding what to do with me.”
    Every day I was told that I had to have my foot cut off, but they’s qualify,”  maybe just your  toe..” I kept saying every body I know who has lost a toe is dead today.  It got so that I would say no before they asked.   On Dec. 25 they quit asking and I was promised that was the last time it was mentioned. In the meantime it was obvious that I was doing well. The doctor came in , closed the door ,went to a corner chair and said in a whisper “ I have never, never having seen anyone e having their sugar level drop so fast.”. I had been in the hospital 12 days , had Christmas obligations, and even we were getting tired of singing “ Twas in the moon of winter time. ( Huron Christmas Carol )”. A nurse teacher showed John how to dress my foot and prepared a bag of supplies. On 2014  I went in due for a flare up but got some supplies and left.  Then last month I discovered my survival had never been forgiven.

    Due to a shock over a student who had been sexually  abused for a long time and I had not  noticed I went into physical shock for about a week. Consequently my diabetes that was well under control flared up. I waiting for 7 hours then was told that I would not be treated unless I signed a prepared paper that I accept amputation as a treatment. No one had even looked at my foot.  I had decided in the 200km trip that if anyone even mentions amputation I was out of there.  I kept my word..

    I left with a bag of supplies, a perscriptiom , stayed overnight and fled out of town.  However the doctor had whispered behind a closed door. “ I think that you will do just fine.”

    La Ronge Hospital is famous for antibiotic administered by IV and for putting an abortificient in the mix. I have been tested secretly for pregnancy three times, had the resullt splatted though two countries and have had been denied any such information or any help.

    We do not have health care in Canada. We have coercion and compulsory death either quickly or not so quickly         Gay