Thursday, July 11, 2019

Diabetes can be controlled... and even cured

July 11,2019
Happy Birthday # 1 Son, Aaron Caswell
     Fact : Lots of people have diabetes. Lots of people in the North have diabetes.
    Fact : Some medical advice is intended to get rid of the patient as quickly as possible. Prime Minister Trudeau no longer allows tax credit for diabetic supplies. His position is the cure for diabetes is euthanasia( death,) by choice of patient or by choice of medical practicioner.
    So what can the diabetic do to fight those who are full of good intentions or full of a desire and habit of killing?
1. Get off welfare. Welfare kills.

2. Work your trap line.

3. If you don’t have a trap line as we don’t . Walk. Work. Paint your house, inside and out. If you have a “public house “ and are subject to numerous stupid rules that make you kept and bound , start breaking those rules. Start with the easy ones. Clean up your yard. Clean up your basement. Plant a garden, not a community garden, plant your own garden no matter how small. Our neighbour has  lovely squares of flowers and swan decorations.

4. Mow your lawn. If your lawn looks like a hay field , mow it any way. Get a lawn mower that is yours. Forget about community lawn mowers. Community anything means arguments and break downs.  Do it regularly. Volunteer to do your neighbours when you need more exercise.

5. Quit drinking. Period. Alcohol is a sugar. The more you drink, the more you want it. I believe that some people can be a social drinker. I just never met anyone who can conrol their drinking , especially in the North. If you can, then quit for the sake of your poor neigbour, son, daughter et c who can’t conrol their intake.

6. GET OFF MARIJUANA . Don’t allow the smell inside your house. Marijuana makes you indifferent to what it is doing to your reasoning, and  your morals. It makes you immune to other people’s suffering.  It makes you indifferent to what alcohol is doing to you. You won’t quit drinking if you’re still on the weed. You won’t care that you’re turning into a lazy, selfish zombie.

7. Don’t allow any amputations. An infected toe is an infected foot.  Treat the foot. A diabetic needs movement, and circulation. How can one keep moving when you’re on your way to being two stumps?

8. Eat meat. Eat fish. Share your hunting rights and abilities. Protect our moose by killing or allowing others to kill wolves and coyotes. What’s the point of arguing treaty rights when the wolves destroy our meat supply? Have you noticed any wolves who have read the Indian Act?  As a matter of fact there are some people who argue a more selfish , racist policy than does the balanced Indian Act. 

  Remember keep moving. Keep sober. You need your wits about you in this license to kill medical era.   Gay