Friday, June 8, 2012

Brabant Lake Gospel Jamboree

June 08,2012
    On July 01 and 02 Brabant Lake is having their First Annual Gospel Jamboree. Singers include Mr. Fred Morin, Mr. Napolean Thomas, Mr. Dennis Cook. Rev. Richard Custer, Sister Mary Judith and more.
    Singing will be at the Community Hall. There will be prayer, priase, fellowship and fun. There is plenty of room for people to set up camp. There are cabins at CanAm Outfitters and Our Lady of the North School has at least two bunk cabins sleeping 12 each that can be used.
    Brabant Lake is easy to find. We’re 175 km or 100 miles North from La Ronge. If you’re North of us you know that you just head South and stop at Brabant but stop for two days instead of for  15 minutes.  The Community Hall is near the store.
    We’ll provide some food but donations for pot luck meals are appreciated. There will be a Dominion ( Canada) Day picnic and fireworks.
    To date we have received donations from the municipality and from Lac La Ronge Indian Band. More donations are greatly appreciated as we want to help with travel expenses for our musicians.
    We are planning on  Masses and the Sacrament of Confession. Many people and places do not have access to a Catholic priest. We want to give people the opportunity to get rid of their sins through confessing to a Catholic Priest. This is very important and makes all the preparation worthwhile.
    We encourage singing participants from all denominations.
    John  Caswell specialises in teaching children Gospel songs. We will have sessions intermingled with the performers that encourage participation. Although the songs are for children they often become favourites with adults. John Caswell has written many songs for children and adults. Popular numbers include “ My steering wheel is my rosary’, “ Get to Confession while you can.”  “J-E-S-U-S, Lord of the North, South, East and West” and more.
    Brabant Lake is a pretty and tidy community . You will appreciate the surroundings. We hope to see you there. For more information you can contact John Caswell at
306-758-2041. Financial donations can be sent to Brabant Lake Gospel Jamboree, Box 627, Brabant Lake, Sk. S0J IL0.