Thursday, July 5, 2012

Val don't allow no singing 'round here.

July 05,2012

    The Gospel Jamboree was a success. More on that another time.  This one is about the resistance to the Gospel Jamboree. It was decided months ago that there would be a Gospel Jamboree, that the town hall would be used, that the usual Dominion celebration would be part of the Jamboree. No one in the local council was disagreeing and all were enthusiastic. Ms. Antoniuk, administrator from La Ronge gave grudging cooperation.
    On June 27 Antoniuk sent the following message to “ Joyce.” Joyce is the rec. director because Val said so, is not elected, is not the policing representative and is the one who gave us a copy of the fax. Joyce is not the issue here.
            Hi Joyce    
    The hall will be used by you for Canada Day. Before the start of the celebration please ensure the below is done.
    -please ensure that the bathrooms have toilet tissue and paper towel.
    - the computer room must be locked with the phone inside of it. If a phone is needed, there is a pay phone at CanAm.
    -all of the other three rooms, including the furnace room, must be kept locked at all times. 
    - you need to ensue that all of the people are out of the hall and locked( both doors) at the end of each day.
    -if there is a problem with the public or intentional damage being done, immediately call the RCMP.


    Now Joyce’s role was to provide the noon meal and have canoe races ( with our
 canoes). Her supplies bought by public funds were to help the Jamboree throughout the two days. The meal and races are held each year down by the lake. No surprise.  She has no need for the hall. So why did Val send a fax to tell Joyce that she would use the hall, stop any use of the phone, lock the hall and call the RCMP? The reason is Val wanted Joyce to stop the Jamboree from happening. Since the hall has many faulty carpentry issues any people expecting to use the hall for the Jamboree as scheduled can be blamed for frames that don’t keep intact et c.  Ms. Antoniuk as usual was deliberately sabotaging decisions made at council meetings. The hall was used for the Jamboree. Mr. Caswell, acting mayor and Jamboree Chairman played his role well.  The supplies were taken so we could not use them. Fortunately the mission long since quit having faith in public supplies available to the public so used all their own supplies. As usual.
     Why is Val still allowed to be the administrator of the northern settlement of Brabant Lake when she contravenes every decision the council makes and works to sabatoge an event that was publicised all over the North on MBC and Southend Radio? My question. No answer available.  Gay