Rob Clarke MP often sends very interesting and easy to read pamphlets such as the last one: Standing up for Victims of Crime. It informs those people who act outside of the law that the consequences are getting tougher and those who have been victims of lawlessness that there is hope , both very useful messages in the North. However it is unlikely that many people will ever get an opportunity to read it. For years we have been the only ones in Brabant Lake who get such pamphlets although they are to be sent to all constituents. They are never seen to be available with other peoples’ mail. Only one is put in Our Lady of the North mail bag. This is just one of many examples of how political expediency rules the North. What keeps an elite in control is what is in practice.
Recently I wrote that there is still mail theft, that there is plenty of evidence that our letters are directed to others to read and some are kept in the hands of people who work diligently to destroy us and the mission. The logical response would be for the Post Office to be very, very careful of our mail . But the North is not used to serious consequences of illegal actions. The whistle blowers, the articulate victims are the one who must suffer the consequences. It is our responsibility to pretend that the abnormal, the illegal are acceptable and normal.
After we complained about letters returned to the Canada Revenue Agency without our knowledge and permission no mail appeared in one of two weekly mail days. A week later a mail bag containing five letters that we wrote and a parcel that we are trying to send overseas came back to us. All stamps were as required and all information for the parcel was clearly stated on the right attached form. Someone put a U.S. sticker on it but Kenya isn’t part of that country.
A shoe box of sewing supplies wrapped in bright red paper mailed 15 days ago never got to Saskatoon, just two post offices away.
We complain, We suffer.
Meanwhile Val Antoniuk , municipal advisor to little ole Brabant Lake continues her rampage. Sunken holes on a road that a child could fall into are of no concern to her. A patch of very thick, black bush forest in the middle of the settlement is irrelevant. One dropped cigarette could wipe out the village but VA says that there is no need for a spring, or summer clean up. Last year we complained that brush is cleared on public roads except the one adjoining the back of the mission school. She said it couldn’t be done last fall, It had to be done in spring clean up. Unlike all other villages we can’t have one. People have been improving their property by clearing brush for expanded building. Not every one has a truck but VA says you can’t haul brush in the town truck except in spring clean up.
Meanwhile the town truck can be used by her chosen employee, the one who was kicked out of Grandmother’s Bay for selling cocaine. He goes to La Ronge, picks up some booze, detours to Grandmother’s Bay to pick up someone and comes home. Well he does save tax payer paid gas by not bothering to pick up the garbage.
Solomon Hardlotte, the mayor who resigned over VA, prepared a petition. The acting mayor, John Caswell helped collect signatures. Solomon wrote five pages in handwriting of his complaints about VA and why she should resign. Yesterday petition and letter were faxed to the head administrator in La Ronge who just came on the job. It’s going to be hard to retaliate against just about everyone in Brabant Lake. Stay tuned. Gay