August 07,2012
When I was fresh out of high school I was part of a summer mission on a reserve. After the summer I visited there many times. I became friends with a family that included a ten year old grandson. He was called Junior. Junior liked to stay in the house and play with the girls. He loved poetry and I would read it to him. He also could read very well. He liked to use my art supplies. Throughout the years Junior became more and more ostracized and ridiculed. When he became about 17 years old he had an operation for a “ sex change” and he wandered off to British Columbia. Nobody has heard of him since. That was forty years ago. It was the first time that I heard of such an operation and was stunned that such cruelty was permitted. It is very important to watch what the elite is doing to native people because they are often used as experiments to perfect a programme that they will later use on others.
When Junior would walk to school he was assaulted and raped by bigger boys many times. He naturally perferred the safety of the house. He liked art and poetry because some people, male or female are born with a natural bent to appreciate them. This is usually considered a gift. Nothing was ever done against Junior’s rapists but Junior was accused of being a homosexual until apparently he was convinced. Junior is not likely alive. He was a male who when he was small and could not defend himself was raped many times. He liked poetry and art and could have excelled in some way in the fine arts. Rather than being encouraged to understand that he is a male with gifts different from some other males he was pushed to believe that he was abnormal and needed surgery to “ correct” a mistake of nature.
The abused victim receives no help, the abusers receive no punishment . The victim becomes fodder for more abuse. Sexual abuse turns to physical abuse and mutilation, this time in the hands of a surgeon . The victim becomes a candidate for drugs and prostitution and has an early death. What happened on reserves forty years ago is happening in wealthy homes and schools in Ontario suburbs. The Bullies Par Excellence want to enshrine in law what happened to Junior as a Right. We owe it to the victims to stop it.
Junior would have had to live the rest of his life with his entire body and soul knowing that he is a male while he was trained to believe that he was a freak of nature and was really a girl. Of course one needs drugs and oblivion to live with such a contradiction. It is no accident that people are being pushed to accept legalised assisted suicide at the same time people are being pushed to accept “ sex change” operations. Better to kill the victims in their depression rather than face mammoth law suits against sexual mutilation operators.
There is no such thing as a “sex change.” There are now females with mutilated bodies and males with mutilated bodies. They may dress and act like another sex but their bodies cannot go along with the lie. They were made at conception with the inability to accept it. We are not what we visualise and imagine . We are what we are. Eventually reality breaks through and the body, mind and soul cannot keep up the charade.
Sexual abuse leading to physical abuse and possibly death is used in porn snuff films. This is what is being encouraged in exercises foisted on children to decide their sexual orientation. A terrible abuse is being turned into a progressive Right that should be enshrined in Federal Law. Stop this atrocity. Gay More to come.