Monday, October 15, 2012

Praise Report! One Down

Feast of Ste. Theresa of Avila,
    Since the 40 Days for Life began we have been saying a rosary before school in the morning. This used to be our habit but somehow it got reduced to the first few beads. Every day at least once we pray for the defeat of Barak Obama, and  the fall of Premier McGuinty in Ontario.
    McGuinty has pushed the homosexuality agenda like no one else in North America. He went to war against the Catholic Church, Catholic Schools. Christians in general and against all parents. His judges told people “ The Charter Trumps the Bible “ and “ Your God is Wrong!”. His view and the view of his henchmen was only one group has Rights. Their right is to bully everybody including to claim the mind, soul and,,, yes body of everyone else’s child. He instituted legislation in which it is an offence to even teach your child the Christian view of sexuality.
    McGuinty came back in power with a minority government. Voter turnout hit an all time low for Ontario. People just didn’t seem to get the message of what he was doing to Ontario families.  This reduced support didn’t stop him. Rather it seemed to make him more determined to push such things as MANDATORY student- led “ Gay and Straight Clubs in all schools Catholic or public. Consistent with the usual mind set his contempt for families came along with contempt for business, economic growth, and private enterprise. He most certainly outdid Saskatchewan socialists.
    Today on the Feast of Ste. Theresa of Avila, McGuinty to everyone’s surprise resigned.
    One down.
    Meanwhile the Parti Quebecois in Quebec came to power with less than a third of the vote. They announced that they would continue  Liberal Premier Charest’s plan to euthanise the citizenry. The Quebec economy is in shambles. There is a huge governmental debt and health care is a mockery. So how does one solve the situation? Allow  some private sector health care? Stop economic corruption? Encourage family and private care including and especially from religious orders as in the past? Like McGuinty, Premier Pauline Marois’ chose a totalitarian path. The solution for Quebec is to get rid of Quebecois. There will be euthanasia for the terminally ill and assisted suicide. This happens to be against the Criminal Code of Canada. The Criminal Code is a federal responsibility . Ergo Marois’ plan is criminal. This is from the P.Q.s who claim that they are no longer Separatists. In the days of Parizeau a P.Q. government was working on their very own military. Now today’s P.Q. thinks that they can threaten the lives of 5 million Canadians within their borders . Please join us in praying against the Killer Push in our once Very Christian Province. Sick all the Quebec declared Saints on them.
    Yes it’s been proven once again God does answer prayer. So let’s keep on going. Gay .