November 12,2012
In the 2004 June issue of Brabant Lake Times appeared an anti- gun control cartoon. The Liberals had created a multi- billion dollar long gun registry. We saw people in court having their rifles confiscated. Northern feed their families and others by hunting moose and cariboo. They also need guns for protection from wolves, bears and even cougars. The long- gun registry was an attack on human life. Yes people do have a right to defend themselves against animals in the wilderness. It was an attack on families’ right and responsibility to feed themselves. The more wild game hunted and eaten the healthier people are in an epidemic of diabetes and other diet related diseases.
The Stephen Harper majority Tory government disbanded the long gun registry thus taking a burden off taxpayers and Northerners . We helped that process happen. However immediately after that cartoon appeared we were harassed by Canada Revenue Agency. Eight years later we still are and now it is being extended to the Charities Division.
The La Ronge Post Office seems more than complicit in this since our mail is often rerouted, opened and plain not - delivered. One of our appeals to Surrey,B.C. as directed was answered by a phone call from Regina Legal Aid claiming to be an agent for CRA. Obviously our opponents are getting help from someone ..
To date the Minister responsible for CRA and the Minister responsible for Canada Post have not given some indication that they are hearing our many cries for justice and respect for privacy and private property.
If you would like to see a video about this (4.5 minutes) open youtube. com. In the search bar type in “superlndn.” The quotation marks are there to screen out a lot of extraneous postings. To see our latest video in the Gay Caswell top section choose the grey coloured channel button. All will apear newest first. Next one coming soon is John Caswell with more songs that he has written. God Bless and please pass on this info. Gay