Friday, January 11, 2013

The Theresa Spence Syndrome

January 11,2013
    So Theresa Spence’s boyfriend makes $850 a day plus expenses as the reserve’s financial manager. The entire reserve is given $34 million a year and most of the people live in extreme poverty, fear and with no proper education. What has that got to do with us?. A whole lot. All over the North and in reserves throughout the country people have huge salaries plus expense budgets to administer the poverty of others.
    Brabant Lake is not a reserve. It is suppose to be run like a municipality with all the rights of Canadians everywhere. It enjoys the interference of Chief Tammy Cook Searson who only makes $494 a day plus expenses, multiple municipal advisors in La Ronge who make at least $380 a day plus expenses,  administration and workers of Lac La Ronge Regional Housing Authority , Social Workers and Ed. Education La Ronge Office, plus Northern Lights School Board who keep open a school for the sole purpose of stopping students from going to the mission school. .
    There is in the Seminary a student priest who suffered under Communism in the Ukraine. He continually paints walls, doors, ceilings. When he sees a drab wall He says
 “ What is this ? Communista?” And immediately starts to paint. I understand him very well.
    After a ten year fight to own our public house which had been an abandoned shell ready for a fire, we started painting. We started on steps with barn- red all- weather,  left over from camp bunk houses. We then proceeded to paint, olive green, light blue, light green,et c. I did some and my husband did a lot. Most of the work was done by two adult students who were paid $10 /hr . They did an excellent job and learned valuable skills and work ethics. Cost to the taxpayer? $0.00:
    Recently a woman who has lived in her house for 20 year but doesn’t own it had her house  “renovated.” She had to move her family two times to an abandoned house. Workers came from afar and painted the off white walls, to off white, changed the drab linoleum , to new drab linoleum, the cardboard sawdust doors to new cardboard sawdust doors.  She was not allowed any decisions or choice through the process.The workers got labour, meals supplies, travel, and lodging  at taxpayer’s expense. Their drugs were delivered at the door by the local supplier who gets help from the La Ronge municipal office.
    Cost to the taxpayer? Astronomical and totally unnecessary
    A rent to own policy has been in place since the Tories in the eighties but Public Housing chose to ignore this and not tell people about it. But even with public ownership why did they not choose local people who needed no travel and no lodging expenses and had proven skills? Why couldn’t they have asked the occupant if they would like to buy a tint? Why can people renevote their own house while living in it but northerners have to move?
The answer is which they won’t say: If we gave people choice and responsibility, if we hired local people including the occupants there would be less depression, less desire for drugs and alcohol, less dependency while we the elite get rich pretending to look after them.
    What is this? Communista? You betcha. Gay