Monday, April 15, 2013

Country North Shell and Pornography

    I walked into Country North Shell in La Ronge while John was paying for the gas. At eye level I encountered its rack of pornography. The title Penthouse was clearly seen, the rest was covered. The Playboy magazine was set apart and totally uncovered. The cover showed a disc of female thighs and legs entertwined with other body parts. The title was special issue The Sex and Music Industry.  This is not erotica nor soft porn. There never has been such a thing as soft porn.
    In the sixties began the lie that if people view pornography they become immune to it. It sublimates the drive for sex and is a safety valve so people will not commit violent sex crimes. This is complete diabolical hogwash. Garbage in, Garbage Out.”  As a man thinketh so is he.”
    In the last few years Canada has had the opportunity to experience the reality of pornography. Ex- Commander Danny Williams of the Truro Air Force Base began his road to multiple rape and murder by pornography Ex- Archbishop was found with pornography on his computer at the airport inspection. This led to a discovery of photo albums of tortured nude boys. Magnotta, murderer and butcher of a male oriental student, has just finished his trial and conviction.
    La Ronge is full of sexual abuse of children, date rape and other violent crimes. Any child could see that cover. The Shell’s pornography shelf is just beside their floral shop. For all your important occasions: graduation, births, marriage, and funerals pick up your flowers and porn at Country North.
    The disembodied thighs and legs gave the impression almost, of chicken in a skillet. Sex, murder and cannibalism. This is now what is considered acceptable public viewing.?
Meanwhile little girls wear clothes with Playboy bunnies and hair bands with its pink ears. Playboy certainlty is an authority on the sex industry having been its leader for sixty or so years. While I was riding home from a speaking engagement concerning “sex educator” Sol Gordon I sat by a lawyer whose client was Playboy. I saw the lawyer’s picture recently. He is hired by Obama’s Secretary of State Office. The man who wants to destroy marriage and the family knows how to pick them.
    Psychiatrist Judith Reisman has spent much of her career investigating and exposing the harm of Kinsey and Pomeroy on children and adults. They are the authors of sex education used in Saskatchewan schools since 1976. Pomeroy states that one can destroy the latency period of childhood by leaving around so called girlie magazines. The intent of sex education is to destroy the innocence of childhood to make children malleable to be used by adults. All pornography is dehumanizing, degrading and threatening children and women. Reisman claims the direction of all pornography is the acceptance and practice of homosexuality. One basic, continual, and emphatic goal of sex education is to encourage masturbation. Pornography is a fast track to that.
    Country North Shell provides courteous , efficient service. No doubt the owner is considered a respected businessman. Then why the pornography? Why our acceptance of this store’s pornography. I have seen that shelf of pornography many times over the years and chose to ignore it. Northerners accept injustices, immorality, drugs and violent crimes . We shrug our shoulders and get on with the business of our own survival.  Eventually something occurs that makes one think one’s personal survival is dependent on the spiritual and moral health of others.
    The number of Country North Shell is 306-425- 4119. That pornography must go.  Gay