Friday, August 30, 2013

A New Tactic to dissolve the mission school

    Last spring I asked three Catholic school teachers in Saskatoon if they could get me no longer used Catholic readers so we could distribute them and use some of them in the mission school. None of them got back to me but one made his position very clear. We had no business having a school without the permission of Northern Lights School Division and that we are just volunteers, unrequested, for their school division. I chalked up his attitude as more socialist than Catholic. A common Saskatchewan disease. He did tip us of as to what Northern Lights tells people.
    .We have a new public school teacher and a new tactic. She said that she would like to cooperate with us this year. I said that would be fun and different. She also said that she read my blogs in a hotel room until her eyes were sore. Now I can think of worse things to do in a hotel room but it sounded like an assignment to me. She also assured me that that she agreed with me about sex education ( out of the school) and no women priests. Although not Catholic she would like a statue of Mary in the classroom if no one objects. I had this strange feeling that I was being soaped up.
    Northern Lights has blatantly said that the purpose of their formation was to drive out Catholic education in the North.. Therefore they would not tolerate the existence of a Catholic mission school. When we began in 1996 the head of the school board said “ Religion has no place in education.” That has always been the position of Northern Lights except of course, the religion of paganism which is demon worship.
    We were given the impression that Northern Lights would not bother with placing a teacher this year. They apparently realised that was too dangerous.  If they were serious about cooperation with us they would begin by talking to us and more importantly paying up the money they owe us.
    They owe me for three months of teahing in 1996 and for the return of our French grant money. I used to fill out forms to show how many student- hours we taught French. Then this would determine the size of a Federal grant. The money never came We learned that a Saskatchewan education office gave our grant money to Northern Lights. We did not work for them in any way and endured daily persecution. They didn’t object to not only attavcking our rights but to also  stealing our money. We stopped filling out the forms since it only benefited another school board.  Northern Lights paying up would be the first concrete sign of real cooperation.
    A regular tactic over the years was to give our students alcohol and drugs. The Gideon Cook household that was employed by Northern Lights would have their daughter or son entice students to come over to their house and do dope.  One student had to hide in the bush for days to stop having booze pushed on him and literally in him.
    Recently there were two friendly native girls who were the teachers. They drank with the daughter of said household often. There was a drunken party at the Cook household where minors were given booze and dope. One 15 year old allegedly sexually assaulted a student. Charges were laid. The victim’s family moved away. Since this is bad publicity for
Northern Lights and for the wife who cleans for the RCMP it appears that there is pressure to drop charges.  And now comes the Let’s Be Friends Teacher..
    We will sincerely help anyone to be Catholic, to be a better Christian and  and to be friendly as one should especially in a small and often isolated community. But excuse me if I am very skeptical of the sincerity of this latest tactic. I heard that one of us is actually expected to apply for a substitute or Teacher’s Aid position. Ha, has ha...........ha. Gay