Thursday, March 5, 2015

It is NOT a done deal!

March 5,2015
    The Saskatchewan College of Physicians and Surgeons has informed the public that they have by tomorrow to give their input on their guidelines which would deny doctors the right to have a conscience on the issue of killing their patients either through assisted suicide ...or other means. Suicide is murder of one self . Assisted suicide is an act of murder of the doctors and staff who help or push the person to kill himself. If it is done through medicare it is another means that the taxpayer must accept and pay for murder.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons is acting outside the law by drawing up guidelines on an activity that is defined in the Canadian Criminal Code as homicide. There is no law in Canada that legalises assisted suicide. Why have they created guidelines based on an illegal, unethical  and immoral practice?

THE SUPRME COURT OF CANADA DOES NOT PASS LAWS. It gives opinions on existing laws . The Parliament then can decide if it will go along with those opinions. If it is outrageous such as stating doctors have a right to kill their patients based on the Charter’s Right to Life obviously Parliament or any provincial or territorial legislative body should reject that. The simplest means is to pass a law that states “ Notwithstanding the Charter the Criminal Code
will not be change on the issue of euthanasia , suicide or assisted suicide.”

In Nazii Germany doctors led the way on eugenics based killing. Long before Hitler got into power they were teaching and practising killing the handicapt, elderly and undesirables.

When abortion was legalised by Trudeau Sr. in 1969 it was rationalised “that the law had to
change to  keep up with the practice. In other words: A lot of doctors are doing abortions;. therefore we have to make their illegal abortion practices legal by legalising abortion.” 

The College, notorious for their contempt for public opinion against abortion , forced sterilisation and parental rights is playing a political power game of pretending a law has been changed and their preferred practices are now legal.  They are clearly out of line. The fact that they would draw up guidelines..which were probably drawn up before the Supreme Court decision and then give the public a deadline to give input shows their lack of ethics and the brutality that has now replaced the Hippocratic Oath.

The Charter reiterates our inalienable right to Freedom of Conscience, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Press ( and other media). The College by their actions  has violated and wants to continue to violated all these rights .

There needs to be clear guidelines, policies and laws to protect the religious and conscience rights of medical, nursing and other health care STUDENTS. They need to be especially enforced on medical college entry interviews. These standards must continue throughout the students’ years and throughout employment.

Catholic Hospitals and Medical Services must have equal funding, restoration and expansion and must be allowed to be fully Catholic in all practices.

People must have the right to medical choice including private insurance, private doctors and private care outside of Medicare

The real role of the  Supreme Court must be made public. When they overstep logic, law, language and work to push us into an anti- culture of death and barbarism they must be stopped. Notwithstanding their arrogance and that of their  henchmen like the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Gay