Nov.09, 15
In the 4th. Century of Christianity a heresy began called Arianism. Eventually three- fourths of the bishops were Arianists. Yet this heresy was stopped and the truth of Christianity reasserted itself. How did this false teaching and practice stop? For two reasons: The pope was not an Arian. The faithful, the lay people were opposed to it and would not succumb to the direction of the bishops. A bishop or an archbishop has authority in his diocese or archdiocese but he does not have authority to change, alter or suppress church teaching. He does not have the authority to lead the faithful out of the Catholic Church.
The Church has not approved of women clergy. Therefore a bishop cannot approve a woman clergy or should not take steps to give women the authority of a priest by any other name.
In our two decades of being Catholic we have endured two situations where a woman was or is functionally the head of the diocese or of two parishes.
This creates obvious problems.:
1. The Church becomes a female activity. This happens in all denominations which have women clergy. The men simply do not want to buckle under to female leadership or compete with a woman. They drop out and so do boys. In Southend Confirmation class there was only one boy and about six girls. The nun prefers young women as functionaries.
2. Men are to be the spiritual leader of the home. A woman church leader does not encourage or reinforce that role.
3. Since the woman leader acting as a pastor does not have real priestly authority many things are a threat to her power that a priest would ignore. She expects us to hand over our property including our vehicle and get lost because she prefers another couple as “ spiritual directors” in Brabant Lake. Note: We have never claimed any such title. We are lay missionaries who have a private school . Brabant Lake is our one and only home. Southend is our parish.
4. It denigrates the Mass. A woman CANNOT perform a Mass but if Sunday after Sunday she stands at the altar and passes out consecrated wafers when a priest does come and perform a Mass the proper reverence and meaning is lost.
5. Many people commit the sin of receiving Communion unworthily. They are confused. The woman leader cannot hear Confessions and give Absolution but she is willing to hand out Communion to those who may be in mortal sin. The reality of Sin is down graded. Thus the need for Confession is downgraded. Communion just becomes a community club symbol.
6. Other truths of the Catholic faith are downgraded. The woman “ pastor” is acting outside of Church Authority . So why not have differing opinions on abortion, homosexual liasons, euthanasia or the Actual Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
7. Women lose their role as a primary example of service and nurturing as they strive for position and power. The woman may see her “ pastoring “ as a service but it leads her and other women to emphasise position over caring.
8. Women are often guilty of leadership by manipulation. Since they have only the power they can garner and not real Authority they use such tactics as answering e- mails and letters with their twist. Men like to be gentlemen and not confront women especially as to how they treat other women. Thus women are often abused by so called women “ pastors” and by the bishops who encourage them. Gay