Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Protect our moose not the Wolf Cult


    Brabant Lake is a community that depends on moose. Moose is the major source of healthy , abundant good meat. Many people were involved with hunting for their annual supply.  People here have a track record of being efficient, skillful hunters. They never waste meat . They are generous to share the meat with non- hunters and the elderly. In addition every moose hide is used. Unlike many Northern communities we still have people who are experts at making tanned moose hides. Southend, Reindeer Lake has too much  access to government money. They don’t seem to have any or few people who want to do that much work.  Entrepreneur Tommy Bird delivers hides to craftsmen and crafts women here who work in the heat of summer and the cold of Fall to make hundreds of excellent smoked hides. Then Tommu Bird of Southend goes to the Far North and sells them. Brabant Lake hide makers nurse their sore shoulders, legs and backs . They go on to work at getting their moose . This year there was a serious hitch.  The wolves got our moose. No one got any moose.

    Sam Boutin and his parents originally from James Bay, Quebec, have brought a lot of fresh wilderness skills into our community. They have also brought a lot of clear thinking. Wolves are eating our moose supply. They estimate there are at least sixty wolves around Brabant.  Therefor you work at eliminating wolves to protect our meat supplies.  The wolves are also a direct attack on the family income. The store in Brabant Lake is now called Brabant Lake Resort. He wants to encourage the tourist trade of hunters and fishermen.

    Sam Boutin shot a wolf. There needs to be at least twenty more wolves eliminated.. Wolves boldly  stroll down the streets in broad day light. At least two sets of three have been spotted.  Three of them were wearing tags.  There is a case that one shouldn’t walk in the surrounding community and in the streets without being armed. It also helps if you know how to shoot a gun and do it carefully in a populated area.

    Then Sam Boutin , after doing a logical and in many ways necessary activity got fined. Worse he got fined because Tommy Bird who runs his dogs in Brabant Lake roads reported him to the SERM office. Apparently  Sam doesn’t have a license to kill a wolf.

    Sam, being from a real Northern community, one not full of people living off  petty bureaucratic rules and welfare thinks that he should solve a problem , not flaunt artificial perks such as whether or not some one is treaty, metis or defines himself as person. Period.

    In Saskatchewan one has a right to kill a wolf or coyote that is attacking your sheep or livestock.  Moose is a public resource of the people who live in the North.  Wolves attack Our resource . Logic is that Northerners have a right to protect our food supply as much as a farmer has a right to protect his income and food supply.

    What Tommy Bird did is petty and shameful. H e lives in a community twenty times as large as Brabant Lake. He makes money by selling our hard working efforts.( By our , I mean community members. I know how much work hide making is and prefer something easy like gardening in the wilderness.)
    SERM , drop this fine. And Tommy , run your dogs in the confusion and congestion of Southend until you apologise to Brabant Lake via Sam Boutin.  Gay